How to pick the best online lindy hop lessons
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Is learning how to lindy hop using your computer and a high speed internet connection realistic? The simple answer is yes and no. The capability to learn how to swing dance online is better now more than ever and you are clicks away from accessing the most simplest approach on earth taught in person to over 70,000 students world-wide.
You may be wondering what is the difference between the terms swing and lindy hop. Well, I’ll get into this distinction below:
What is Lindy Hop?
Swing dancing is such a broad topic that we have to start first with the original American swing dance called the Lindy Hop.
It is a jazz social dance created by black American’s in Harlem N.Y. It is American. It had soul, and it had swing, which is what made it popular everywhere it was introduced. Swing is the name of the music and Lindy Hop is the name of the original swing dance. Watch the video below to get a little more history on this uniquely American social dance form.
Online Lindy Hop Lessons
Not too long ago, swing dancers could only take lessons from world class lindy hop instructors by attending annual events. Those days are of the past and now learning lindy hop online is a wonderful reality. The only problem is how do you pick the best online lindy hop lessons for you?
Picking the Best Lindy Hop Lessons: Teachers
Learning swing dancing online can be problematic if you don’t pick the right instructors. Many dancers suffer by learning and practicing bad ideas only to learn the correct ideas years latter after having to undo all they learned. This waist time, energy, and money.
If I had to start from the beginning in my lindy hop education after 12,000 hours of training and teaching over 200 events internationally I would ask this question; is what I will be learning based on principles or rules? This is the ultimate question that will help you know if the instructor is teaching you isolated ideas based on choreography, or principled ideas able to translate to any lindy hop style on the social dance floor. Trust me it’s the most important question I asked after waist 200 hours of practice on unprincipled rules.
Meet Jamin Jackson: Founder of Street Smart Swing
As mentioned above, I’ve spent over 12,000 social dancing in order to deconstruct and simplify the art form of lindy hop so that learning how to lindy hop online is as easy as learning in person. Most of my teaching at international events needed to be translated live. This ultimately meant the principles I used to simply lindy hop needed to be clear enough so non English speakers could understand and remember whenever the swing dance event concluded.
I’ve spent over 9 years traveling and teaching along with transferring my entire teaching catalog online before swing dancing online was popular. Now I’ve accumulated over 300 courses which highlighting my world class approach taught face to face to over 70,000 students. My online lindy hop school also includes my original Lindy Hop moves created for social dancing and inspiring students to become respectful artistic contributors to lindy hop.
Is Learning Lindy Hop Online right for me?
That is the big question and the answer will be based on a few parameters. First, you have to realize learning lindy hop online takes a real commitment to practice. You may practice once a day or once a week, but only you will know your availability. If you are unable to social dance with others right now, check out how to win at swing dancing without social dancing.
Without dedicated dance practice it will be difficult for your body to naturally remember the dance movements without strain. There is another thing just as important as practice, and I would suggest it may be even more important.
You will also need to have a positive mental attitude – continually. In most cases you will not see the fruit of your understand after the first couple of classes, and this can trigger impatience and a desire to take shortcuts in your learning journey or simply just give up. Don’t believe me? Check out my article on 3 reasons you will never get good at swing dancing.
We been able to help students exchange years of practice time without results into weeks with significant results after taking our approach to learning lindy hop online.
Learning anything can be a challenge on ones patience but frustration can amplify when learning lindy hop online if you don’t embrace the process of growth. Now, it can be a fast or slow process based on the kind of dance philosophy the online swing dance school has and the consistent application of what you are learning.
Hopefully, you will consider what Street Smart Swing has to offer in simplifying your learning approach to online lindy hop classes. Take a look at what others are saying about how we have helped them learn lindy hop online.
Access over 20 Online Swing Dance Lessons for free!
Lindy Hop Lessons for Beginners
If you don’t have any dance experience, I want to give you some perspective. Everyone starts at the beginning. I know lindy hop may seem difficult compared to other partner dances. Our Street Smart Swing philosophy is about empowering new dancers to think like master dancers in every level of their online lindy hop lesson education. This can only be accomplished if what you are learning is clear, concise, and duplicatable. Learning how to swing dance at Street Smart Swing is anything but typical. We spent thousands of hours demystifying the complexity of online lindy hop lessons and share our ‘secrets’ with students in hope they eventually won’t need us for learning ‘how to’ but instead as an avenue for creative swing dance inspiration. Like I said, we have “cracked the code” to the Lindy Hop technique and are not keeping it to ourselves.
Lindy Hop Classes for people with other dance experience
You may be like me and have been dancing for years and may question is Street Smart Swing right for me? I would say yes and no. Yes, if you want to quickly understand how this technique works and want to quickly become self depended. No, if you not coachable. It is better to have no experience learning for the first time rather than having to filter what you know into a new dance. This was part of the reason for at least 400 hours of my lindy hop dance education.
Lindy Hop Lessons for every level and special occasion
Maybe you are wanting to get online dance lessons for a wedding, graduation or special occasion. Street Smart Swing is the right online dance school for you, since simplicity and empowerment is our goal.
Picking the Best Online Lindy Hop Lessons: User friendliness
The only lessons we deem fundamental to mastering lindy hop lessons online quickly are the ones we strongly encourage every student to take, regardless of their previous dance knowledge: The Fundamentals and Beyond, The Art of Leading and The Art of Following courses. These will consist of the foundational lessons needed to determine how our schools way of interpreting many fundamental concepts not universally defined by other online lindy hop schools. Once you take them you will fully understand how I think and process lindy hop as a master dancer without waisting time. The other lindy hop lessons in our 300+ catalog will reinforce the same foundation principles by challenging you with new ways to execute Lindy Hop Moves with the Street Smart Swing approach.
It is very liberating as a student to know how things are defined and what the success building blocks are at the very beginning, and that is exactly what we do for you at Street Smart Swing. We have done all the hard work sorting out the difference between what is necessary and a matter of ‘preference’.
Are you Ready to Learn Lindy Hop Online yet?
Ok, just to recap. We’ve cracked the code so you can master virtual swing dance lessons in months instead of years. I forgot to mention we help dancers get started learning lindy hop online the most affordable way. If you want to try out and see the quality of our instruction, make sure to access over 25 free online lindy hop lessons below. I look forward to seeing you in class!
Listen to what others had to say about our online lindy hop lessons
“Jamin has taken something as difficult as Lindy Hop and made it so accessible to the masses.”
“Jamin strips away the confusing stylistic glitter that can distract from the true kernel of what makes lindy hop enjoyable for both the lead and the follow.”
“Jamin revolutionized the way that I dance and teach. I can’t thank him enough.”
“Jamin’s explanations are solid and very clear. The content is fun, fresh and has tons of creativity.”