Beginner Lindy Hop Lessons with Jamin Jackson
Learn how to Lindy Hop with the simplest approach on earth at your own pace from the comfort of home. No experience is required to get started with our beginner lindy hop lessons. Rewind or review material as often as you like or cram through several lessons to get dancing quickly and start dancing like nobody is watching! Street Smart Swing is your perfect resource for swing dancing.
Beginner Lindy Hop sessions will help you:
Master the 6 Principles to fix yourself while social dancing
Make every Follower look like a professional on the dance floor
Always know what to do when being led
Courses include 5 hours of my Leading and Following Secrets
Plus 30 Courses on Charleston, Solo Jazz and Classic Lindy Hop Moves!
Listen to what others had to say about our content
“Jamin has taken something as difficult as Lindy Hop and made it so accessible to the masses.”
“Jamin strips away the confusing stylistic glitter that can distract from the true kernel of what makes lindy hop enjoyable for both the lead and the follow.”
“Jamin revolutionized the way that I dance and teach. I can’t thank him enough.”
“Jamin’s explanations are solid and very clear. The content is fun, fresh and has tons of creativity.”
If you desire to learn: Beginner lindy hop lessons, a beginner swing lesson, swing dance lesson for beginners, or a beginner swing lesson online, you are at the right place!