What is swing dance?
Swing dancing is such a broad topic that we have to start first with the original American swing dance called the Lindy Hop. Watch the video below to get a little more history on this uniquely American social dance form.
Swing Dance Moves
There are voluminous amounts of swing moves varying in name and styling across the planet. Earlier on in the original generation, many of the moves were named and created by the original savoy ballroom dancers. Take a look at the video below to glean more on the topic.
Jitterbug Dance
Many people confuse Lindy Hop with East coast swing and vice versa. As mentioned before, terminologies varied and phrases like East Coast Swing can mean Lindy Hop depending on what time period or location a person said it. Check out this video where we highlight the significant differences.
Swing Dance History
One of the most important places responsible for the proliferation of swing dancing was the Savoy Ballroom in Harlem New York. Many of the original swing dancers from the era blossomed at this venue, subsequently spreading the influence of swing dancing outside the boarders of the United States and into Europe.
Swing Dance Music
Swing dancing music can be vast, spanning from the late 1920’s to the mid-1940’s. This uniquely American sound triumphed for over 2 decades lifting the hearts of people all over the world. This music originally came from New Orleans Louisiana eventually become the American WW2 sound. Check out he video below highlighting swing dance music for beginners.
How to swing dance
Swing dancing is not easy but I would say from my experiences teaching across the planet that it is fair to say it can be simple. We’ve put together swing dance lessons designed to help you mature at your own pace and start social dancing quickly. We cover the fundamentals step by step so you can discern what is necessary and what is a matter of preference early on. Watch how simple it can be on the video below.