Listen to what others had to say about our online lindy hop lessons
“Jamin has taken something as difficult as Lindy Hop and made it so accessible to the masses.”
“Jamin revolutionized the way that I dance and teach. I can’t thank him enough.”
“Jamin’s explanations are solid and very clear. The content is fun, fresh and has tons of creativity.”
Frequently Asked Questions
How do you learn swing dancing online?
First thing you have to do to learn swing dancing online is to decide what type of online curriculum that will help you self correct without needing a teacher all the time. There are many options out there, and I will humbly admit my partiality by stating we have the best track record for success because I’ve served over 21,000 students online who didn’t need me to physically be there to help them mature. I can’t say every online lindy hop school can say that since it is kind of the “new” trend post-Covid. We have been doing this for a decade. Many of my students are now teachers, some are competitors and most feel more empowered to understand how to fix themselves when social dancing. All of this was capable because of our street smart swing Lindy Hop blueprint which allows you to know what is objective and subjective about the dance in order to accelerate your learning curve rapidly.
How to not argue with your swing dance partner
Working with your swing dance partner can become straining at times if you do not have a game plan to protect yourselves during the creative process. I made a video detailing many of the strategies I’ve used over the years called how to not argue with your swing dance partner.
How do I prepare for Jack and Jill competitions?
Jack and Jill competitions can be challenging if you don’t prepare with a strategy for success. There are so many different tips I could provide to help answer this question, but honestly, the most effective insight I can provide for whatever your swing dance education level is detailed in a video I titled “How to prepare for Jack and Jill competitions.” I hope this swing dance tips help you.
Do you have content to help with competing?
Absolutely! After going through our foundational course you will have the perspective needed to master social dancing. In addition to this, we have courses designed to help you apply what you are learning in swing dance competitions. And I will tell you, most swing dance teachers will not tell you this kind of information if they don’t have a solid foundation. It’s easier to just say you’re good or you’re bad at dancing and not give you a specific reason why.
How fast can I get good?
I wouldn’t be able to give you a firm answer on how fast you will mature. It’s based on your understanding and applicational knowledge of the technique. However, if you wanna know how to learn swing dancing faster online, our system is designed for people who do not have a dance background and for those who do have one but want to mature rapidly. Both categories of dancers can win if they put in the hard work to process the ideas with social dancing.
Is Lindy Hopping online difficult to learn?
It can be extremely difficult if there isn’t a common language for you to understand the concepts. You will have to have a partner to practice the moves, and this person I will have to be patient with you. I will say, I feel like I’ve cracked the code after years of trial and error trying to simplify Lindy Hop. My approach has made swing dance lessons for beginners incredibly accessible and empowering to mature rapidly if that is your desire.
Do you have enough content for lindy hop followers?
Our accountant is split 50-50 between leader and follower focus. Followers would feel just as empowered as leaders once they understand our art of following foundation. It will help lindy hop followers never miss a led move from a lead again, and if they do they will have the full capacity to know why and how to fix themselves.
Is Swing Dancing Good Exercise?
I think so if you practice to a reasonably paced swing dance playlist. On average I burn about 400-500 per hour from just swing dance! It is definitely worth adding to your exercise habit, plus you’re having fun burning calories. So in short, yes, I believer swing dancing is good exercise.
Are Virtual Swing Dance Schools worth it?
I would certainly say, it is easier to learn how to swing dance from a virtual swing dance school now more than ever. Now, I will say it will take time to mature if you are unable to practice your skill set without a partner no matter how much skills you acquire from a virtual online school
How can I pick the best online lindy hop lessons?
I would suggest checking out this full article detailing what I would do if I had to pick the best online lindy hop lessons as a new dancer wanting to know how to learn Lindy Hop online.
Is Lindy Hop swing dancing?
Yes. Lindy Hop is one of the original forms of swing dancing created in Harlem, by Shorty George Snowden and Mattie Pernell. It is an improvised form of swing dance allowing dancers to express themselves within a simple technique.
Is it possible to learn dance online?
Yes. You will need access to a good internet connection, a dedicated space for reoccurring practice. The big problem will not be ease of access to online swing dance lessons but your practice schedule.
Are you one of the best schools for online swing lessons?
I can’t speak for every school, but we have been around almost 10 years along with a handful of other professional swing dance teachers traveling internationally. We’ve had over 60,000 students from all over the world use our unique approach so that online swing dance lessons can be simple. This may not qualify us as being the one of the best online swing dance schools for you, but I hope to help you get your expectations met.
Is Lindy Hop hard to learn?
I think it can be if you learn how to lindy hop with a bad foundation. Simplicity must be the key and this is what we have attempted to do for our online swing dance community.
Is your content lead or follower focused?
Our approach to the lindy hop technique is focused on helping students understand the fundamental roles of leading and following in order to master the most object part of swing dancing. Everything else we focus on is helping students process that approach with cool swing dance moves and variations.
Where to learn swing dancing online?
There are many different online swing dance schools that focus on different disciplines. Our school focuses on Lindy Hop, Charleston, and Solo Jazz.
How do you practice swing dancing alone?
This can be a challenge if you don’t have a regular practice parter or time for social dancing. You can work on your lindy hop footwork patters along with rhythm tools and how you want to look if you were leading or following a partner.(shapes)
Are Patreon Lindy Hop lessons good?
I’ve used Patreon for lindy hop classes online for years. They have made dramatic interface improvements for creators and users. If the Patreon lindy hop school has a solid streamlined approach for teaching, it is easier for the user to consume information without getting confused.
Is Lindy Hop a Swing Dance?
The Lindy Hop is an American dance which was born in Harlem, New York City, in 1928 and has evolved since then with the jazz music of that time. It was very popular during the swing era of the late 1930s and early 1940s. … It is frequently described as a jazz dance and is a member of the swing dance family.
What to wear to swing dancing lessons?
Swing dancing can be really fun if you are comfortable. It’s best to wear proper shoes (sticky or slick soles) and clothing. For casual dancing, like lessons and practice, stick to light, loose fitting clothes. For a more formal events, wear things like dresses and suits.
Is Online Lindy Hop hard to learn?
It can be. There are 3 things you will have to consider: the online swing dance school approach, budget, practice time. The most important is the kind of swing dance approach you learn from a teacher. Whatever style you learn, ask the teacher “if what you are doing at that moment is fundamental or subjective?” Knowing this will help you accelerate your learning curve.
Are online lindy hop lessons really worth it?
“It depends on your goal and the teaching format of the school. Be aware that online swing instructors will focus on teaching content made for choreographed performances and/or social dancing. Make sure you understand which one you are wanting to learn. Our online swing dance school provides a streamlined approach to help you master lindy hop social dancing without always needing a teacher. The rest of our catalog is focused on new and unseen swing dance content to unlock your creative potential.”
How can I practice swing dancing online without a partner?
“Fundamentally it’s difficult to make dramatic improvements in partner swing dancing without social dancing with a partner. We do provide a clear system to understand your role as a leader and follower, but in order to fully mature in the dance, you will need to process those ideas with a parter. We also provide ample amounts of solo jazz content in order to help you develop rhythm and style.”
Can we get private help if needed?
“Yes.” “We provide a way to received feedback on your social dancing footage. All you will have to do is send me your footage, and I will give you personal help.”
Can me and my dance partner share the same membership?
“Yes.” “We don’t mind you splitting the monthly cost with your partner.”
Are payments for the online lindy hop lessons annual or monthly?
“Monthly or Annually.” “We really believe in the value of our content, and don’t mind you trying us out instead of committing to an annual fee upfront.
What are the dance level requirements for signing up?
“Our swing dance classes are designed for beginners all the way to master level students. The Street Smart Swing approach was created to help you become a master dancer in seed form in order to speed up your learning curve. “
What types of online swing dance lessons do you teach?
“We specialize in Lindy Hop, Charleston, and Solo Jazz.” “Styles like Shag, West Coast Swing and Balboa are not offered.”
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