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Are Patreon Lindy Hop classes any good?



Yes! Street Smart Swing has been offering Patreon Lindy Hop lessons for years now. Ever since Covid 19 the platform has gained more presence from other professional and non professional swing dance teachers. I’m going to mention many of the professional swing dance teachers now on Patreon who I would personally check out if I were learning how to swing dance today.



Patreon Lindy Hop

Of course I’m going to recommend Street Smart Swing. We are known as the ‘kings of simplicity’. We offer a streamlined approach for learning how to do Lindy Hop, Charleston and Solo Jazz.

Our method empowers beginner students to become master dancers in seed form after taking The Art of Leading and The Art of Following courses; the only thing left in your learning journey will be maturing those master concepts with social dancing.

We also specialized in creating new original lindy hop moves to keep students focused on learning how to develop their own creativity. Pricing is flexible ranging from $5 to access our 40 minute online beginner Lindy Hop lesson all the way up to $30 for total curriculum access. Private coaching is also an option.


STREET SMART SWING by Jamin Jackson: Lindy Hop, Charleston and Solo Jazz



Patreon Lindy Hop 

Peter and Naomi are world class lindy hop social dancers that I would personally recommend first aside from Street Smart Swing. They have over 30 years of combined experience social dancing and teaching.

I feel the biggest benefit you can learn from them is how to dance comfortably and consistently in swing time with your partner. They also have a very funky groove and straightforward teaching approach. Their pricing accommodates a wide range of budgets: $9-$100

Peter and Naomi: Lindy Hop


Patreon Balboa 

M&K Balboa Addition is being hosted by a real balboa experts with years of combined social dance experience. If you are wanting to learn how to learn Balboa on Patreon, they would be my first choice if I asked me:) There pricing offering is extremely affordable ranging from $5-$40.

M&K Balboa Addition: Balboa 



Patreon Balboa 

Nick Williams is a very diverse swing dancer specializing in Balboa and a Lindy Hop style influenced by Dean Collins. He is a very technical teacher and like M&K Balboa Addiction is a true Balboa social dancer.   His pricing is diverse ranging from $5-$25.

Nick Williams on Patreon: Lindy Hop (Dean Collins style) and Balboa


There are many other options, but these would be the teachers I personally would recommend do to my experience working with them in some capacity.  Learning how to swing dance on Patreon can be worth it. I’ve shown you viable teacher options, and now all you have to do is make a solid plan for committed practice.

If you want to get a taste our lessons, check out the free online swing lessons we offer at our online swing dance school Street Smart Swing below!

Access over 20 Online Lindy Hop Lessons for free!

Use our Street Smart Swing approach

Only 25% of swing dancing is objective. Our streamlined method will give you power to know the difference and mature without always needing a teacher. Check out our online lindy hop lessons below!


Listen to what others had to say about our content


“Jamin strips away the confusing stylistic glitter that can distract from the true kernel of what makes lindy hop enjoyable for both the lead and the follow.”

Created By Swing Dancers, For Everyone. Access over 20 online swing lessons for free.

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