Where to learn how to swing dance online

Learning how to swing dance online can be just as fulfilling  as in person. The year 2020 has bought about a newly distinct chapter for social dancing due to the global pandemic of the coronavirus. Now is the time for you to learn swing dancing online with the simplest approach on earth. 

Now is the time for you to learn swing dancing online with the simplest approach on earth.  There are multiple ways to take swing lessons online. Below are a list of different styles and formats of Swing Dance online that you can learn here at Street Smart Swing:


Lindy Hop – Charleston – Solo Jazz

Access over 5 hours of my secrets for leading and following. You can learn instantly what it took me over 10,000 hours of social dance documentation to figure out.


Live Stream Classes

Get access to Live Streamed Swing Dance Courses every week and connect with other members of our online swing dance school.

Online lindy hop lessons

All you need is high-speed Internet, computer or smart phone and the desire to learn in order to get the best from an online Swing Dance school.

There are many different types of online swing dance schools, with each school focusing on a specific style of Swing Dance. You will definitely want to look at what it can potentially cost you in time commitment along with money in order to determine if online swing dance lessons are really worth it.

Check out over 20 Swing Dance courses we offer below for anyone who wants to try out our online swing in school.


Jamin Jackson